ceratotherium simum การใช้
- The other African rhinoceros is the white rhinoceros ( " Ceratotherium simum " ).
- The Natal Parks Board was instrumental in saving the Southern White Rhino ( " Ceratotherium simum simum " ) from extinction.
- The ecoregion is home to a variety of animal species, including endangered black rhinos " ( Diceros bicornis ) " and white rhinos " ( Ceratotherium simum ) ".
- Another example of species going through coextinction is rhinoceros stomach bot fly ( Gyrostigma rhinocerontis ) and of its host species the endangered black rhinoceros ( Diceros bicornis ) and the white rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum ).
- Poaching is another problem, indeed the black rhinoceros ( " Diceros bicornis " ) and northern white rhinoceros ( " Ceratotherium simum cottoni " ) were formerly native to the ecoregion but have been eliminated through over-hunting.
- "Ceratotherium simum kiaboaba " ( or " Rhinoceros kiaboaba " ), also known as "'straight-horned rhinoceros "', was proposed as a different variety found near Lake Ngami and north of the Kalahari desert.
- Following the phylogenetic species concept, recent research in 2010 has suggested the southern and northern white rhinoceros may be different species, rather than subspecies of white rhinos, in which case the correct scientific name for the northern subspecies is " Ceratotherium cottoni " and the southern subspecies should be known as simply " Ceratotherium simum ".
- The park is famous for several reasons, the most important being its collection of exotic wild animals, including some rare and endangered species including the white rhinoceros ( " Ceratotherium simum " ), African elephant ( " Loxodonta africana " ), lowland gorilla ( " Gorilla gorilla " ), Bengal tiger ( " Panthera tigris " ), and Komodo dragon ( " Varanus komodoensis " ).